CCD Seminar @ St. Paul University Quezon City

Topic: Build Your Self-Confidence and Discover the Power With in You
Speaker: Dr. Clarissa F. Delaniarte (College Dean)
August 30, 2013
Levesville Hall St. Paul Univesity

 Best in Name Tag

 Welcome Guest

 Attendance Sheet

 Dra. Clarisse Delaniarte (guest speaker)

 Levesville Hall

 Jonathan and Jamie (The Emcees

 Dr. Nimfa de Vera (Head of CCD)

 Food and Beverages Service Students (Academic Achiever)

 Best in Corporate Look with Dra. Nimfa de Vera

 Early Birds

 Pretty Erica

 Team Angel

 Team Active

 Team Fashionista

 Team Balance

 Team Unique

 The Host Batch

 nakikifeeling sweet 16 ako :))

 Be kind and generous

 my flamboyant classmates


The seminar was my first as a Paulinian student. I know there are more seminar to be conducted by our school. It was a renewed experienced, boosting our self confidence. We had a chance knowing our weaknesses and inner voices. The speaker was good in the chosen topic, she is well respected as a psychologist and writer too.

I was surprised to be awarded as the best corporate look and best in name tag. I even asked Dr. Nimfa de Vera why  I was voted as a best in corporate look "Gemma, you look radiant and you have a smile that spell happiness. You served as an inspiration to your classmates." I am honored for that remarks because it was an assurance that I am making a good progress in my personality development.

Looking back, I had lots of negativity in my mind, self-esteem was my problem but when I started acquiring good people and be active in charity I felt good about myself. I became more loving and compassionate to vothers. I rarely complain, I see things differently and I begun to notice the good side in every person I meet.

My Paulinian identity is a blessing. 

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