I Love You

Tonight I will shout to the world how lucky I am to have you. I would really love to say this in person while holding you tight in my arms and gazing into your eyes. But since we are physically separated by miles of emptiness, this expression must come in the form of letters such as this. I miss the thrill of having someone at my side.

 If right at this moment someone would ask me to describe my idea of perfect man, or perfection with out any doubt I would begin describing you because in you I found the perfect blend of everything that I was looking for in a man. You are caring, attentive, loving and protective, all the things that make you a person I want to spent my life with you.

There's nothing I look forward to more than spending the rest of our lives together. I love everything about you, from your indifference to your insanity. I can't even begin to fathom my life without you. I can see myself growing old with you. You are the driving force behind what makes me complete and satisfied in everything I have. I learned to be more appreciative now. Your humbleness makes a great deal to me especially the simplicity of your life. You are there when the world collides in my shoulder, when every thing seems not right, and when every one has something to say against me but you give me comfort and security. For that you had given me assurance that no one has ever provided. I have no other that I could hold on to like I hold on to you.

I will wait for you. Thank you for inspiring me every day. You understood me so well and knew exactly what i wanted. With you Honey I believe in the magic of love, in the magic of being able to talk through hours of silence and even though we might not say anything our hearts our totally in sync and they know exactly what things are like.

I love you more than I ever imagined I could love anyone. The longer I am away from you, the stronger is my yearning to be with you. Until that moment arrives, I send to you across the miles, my tender love, my warm embrace and my most passionate kiss. I love you so much!

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